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Croeso i 4C!

Welcome to 4C!


Shwmae? Croeso i ddosbarth 4C.

Rydyn ni'n ddosbarth arbennig, parchus a hapus a'r tymor yma ein thema yw 'Creadigrwydd'.


Eleni, mi fyddwn yn rhannu llawer o wybodaeth a gweithgareddau gan ddefnyddio 'Google Classrooms'. Er mwyn dysgu fwy am yr adnodd, darllenwch y wybodaeth sydd wedi ei atodi o dan y pennawd 'Google Classrooms'.


Shwmae? Welcome to 4C.

We are a special, respectful and happy class and this term our theme is 'Creativity'.


This year, will be sharing the majority of our information and activities via Google Classrooms. To find out more about how to use Google Classrooms, read the information uploaded under the 'Google Classrooms' heading.


Diolch am eich cefnogaeth parhaol a chofiwch i gysylltu os yr hoffech drafod unrhyw fater.

Thank you for your continued support and remember to get in touch if you would like to discuss any further matters.


Mr O Jones

Prosiect TEAM


Yng nghanol y nos, ymddangosodd coeden ddirgel ar fuarth yr ysgol yng Ngwaelod y Garth. Daeth plant Blwyddyn 6 yn eiddgar i fod yn wyddonwyr gan rasio i ddarganfod o ble y daeth y goeden, dim ond i gael eu hwynebu gan ddau ddyn barus a chyrhaeddodd gyda chynlluniau i'w ddinistro. A wnaethon nhw lwyddo? O na, wnaethon nhw ddim! Gwnaeth plant Gwaelod-y-Garth yn siŵr o hynny gan ddefnyddio eu gwaith tîm, dyfalbarhad, a phenderfyniad i warchod y goeden ac atal y dynion!


In the dead of night, a mysterious tree appeared on the schoolyard at Gwaelod y Garth, and Year 6 children eagerly became budding scientists, racing to uncover where the tree had come from, only to be confronted by two greedy men who arrived with plans to chop it down. Did they succeed? Oh no, they did not! The children of Gwaelod y Garth made sure of that, using their teamwork, cleverness, and determination to protect the tree and stop the men in their tracks!


See photos below!

National Theatre Wales

Ein pwyllgorau / Our Committees

Gweithgareddau i gefnogi darllen Cymraeg / Activities to support Welsh reading

Gweithgareddau i gefnogi ysgrifennu yn y Gymraeg / Activities to support Welsh writing

Gweithgareddau i gefnogi darllen Saesneg / Activities to support English reading

Gweithgareddau i gefnogi sgiliau ysgrifennu Saesneg / Activities to support English writing

Gweithgareddau i gefnogi'r Fathemateg / Activities to support Mathematical knowledge

Canllawiau HWB / HWB Guidelines

Apiau Cymraeg defnyddiol / Useful Welsh Apps

Edrych ar ôl lles / Looking after wellbeing
